Pasty Flavours

Tasty Pasties Menu Board.


Traditional Steak Cornish Pasties.

Small Traditonal Steak Cornish Pasty.
Medium Traditional Steak Cornish Pasty.
Giant Traditional Steak Cornish Pasty.

Click on the Pasty to shop Traditional Cornish Pasties

Speciality & Seasonal Pasties.

Beef & Stilton Pasty.
Cheese & Bacon Pasty.
Cheese, Ham & Leek Pasty.
Chicken & Chorizo Pasty.
Creamy Chicken Pasty.
Chilli Beef & Cheese Pasty.
Full English Breakfast Pasty.
Lamb & Mint Pasty.
Pork & Apple Pasty.
Spicy Chicken Pasty.
Steak & Ale Pasty.
Steak and Gravy pasty.<br Turkey, Ham & Cranberry Pasty (Now available to order ).

To order a box of mixed flavours click the pasty below

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Vegan Pasties.

Vegan Vegetable Pasty.
Vegan Wholemeal Vegetable Pasty.
Vegan Spicy Vegetable Pasty.
Vegan Moroccan chickpea & sweet potato Pasty.
Vegan Apple & Blackcurrant Pasty

Shop Vegan Pasties
by clicking on the
pasty below .


Vegetarian Pasties.

Vegetarian Cheese & Onion Pasty.
Vegetarian Cauliflower Cheese pasty
Vegetarian Broccoli, cheese & sweetcorn Pasty.
Vegetarian Spinach & Ricotta Pasty.
Vegetarian Vegetable Pasty.
Vegetarian Wholemeal Vegetable Pasty.
Vegetarian Spicy Vegetable Pasty.
Vegetarian Moroccan chickpea & sweet potato Pasty.

To Shop for veggie pasties click on the pastie above 


Gluten-Free Steak Pasties.

No Need to miss out ! Our Gluten Free Pasties are filled with succulent  beef mixed with potato, swede, onion, salt and pepper and encased in a light rice flour gluten free pastry.
Our Steak Gluten-Free Pasties are also lactose and wheat free !

Due to the critical nature of Gluten-Free foods, we do not make the Gluten-Free Pasties at our kitchen. They are made at an approved  Gluten-Free kitchen.

To Shop for Gluten-Free pasties click on the pasty below

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